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According to Associated Press, as reported by the Dallas Morning News on October 23, 2011), fifty percent of the U.S. workers earned less than $26,364 last year, reflecting a growing income gap between the nation’s rich and poor. There were fewer jobs, and overall pay was trending down except for the nation’s wealthiest. The number of people making $1 million or more soared by 18% from 2009. Despite population growth, the number of Americans with jobs fell again last year, with total employment of just under 150.4 million, down from 155.4 million in 2008. In all, there were 5.2 million fewer jobs than in 2007, when the deep recession began. the figures are just one indication of the toll that the worst downturn since the Great Depression has taken on the U.S. economy. These numbers have been made public while demonstrations are raging on Wall Street and in cities across the nation over a widening income gulf between average wage earner and the nation’s wealthiest. the unemployment rate remaineds stuck at 9.1%, with more than 14 million out of work.

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    Bedford, Texas 76021
    Phone: 817-358-9977
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    101 South Main
    Weatherford, Texas 76086
    Phone: 817-358-9977